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Washington State University
College of Arts and Sciences Department of Psychology

Lisa R. Fournier

Professor of Psychology

Ph.D. University of Illinois, 1993

Contact Information

Office: Johnson Tower 214
Phone: (509) 335-4415
Fax: (509) 335-4050
Website: Attention, Perception & Performance Lab

Classes Taught

  • Psychology 198: Honors Introductory Psychology
  • Psychology 312: Research Methods
  • Psychology 384: Sensation and Perception
  • Psychology 401: History of Psychology
  • Psychology 592: Cognitive Psychology

Research Interests

  • Visual attention
  • Memory
  • Perception
  • Action

Our lab is presently investigating: 1) feature binding and how perception-based actions (both internally and externally guided action) are represented; 2) the role of attention, memory, and the different brain hemispheres in the formation of action plans; and 3) the phenomenon of precrastination (the opposite of procrastination) and the role of cognitive effort, as well as tradeoffs between cognitive and physical effort, in decision-making, and the effects of cannabis use on cognitive performance and brain activity.  Our lab currently utilizes behavioral (reaction time and accuracy) as well as EEG measures.

For more detailed explanation of these research interests and present ongoing projects, please visit the Attention, Perception & Performance Lab.

Selected Publications

* Indicates graduate student, ** indicates undergraduate student

Fournier, L.R. & *Richardson, B.  (2022).  Partial repetition between action plans delays responses to ideomotor compatible stimuli, Psychological Research, 86, 627-641.  (shareable paper at link: )

*Raghunath, N., Fournier, L.R., & Kogan, C. (2021).  Precrastination and individual differences in working memory, Psychological Research, 85, 1970-1985.

*Richardson, B., Pfister, R., & Fournier, L.R. (2020).  Free-Choice and forced-choice actions:  Shared representations and conservation of cognitive effort.  Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 82, 2516–2530. Doi:

Fournier, L.R., *Hansen, D.A., *Stubblefield, A.M., & Van Dongen, H.P.A. (2020; 2018 online). Action plan interrupted:  Resolution of proactive interference while coordinating execution of multiple action plans during sleep deprivation.  Psychological Research, 84, 454-467. Doi:

Rosenbaum, D.A., Fournier, L.R., Levy-Tzedek, S., McBride, Rosenthal, R., *Saurberger, K., *VonderHaar, R.L., Wasserman, E.A., Zentall, T.R. (2019, online). Sooner rather than later: Precrastination rather than procrastination. Current Directions in Psychological Science,

Fournier, L.R., *Stubblefield, A.M., Dyre, B.P., & Rosenbaum, D.A. (2019). Starting or finishing sooner? Sequencing preferences in object transfer tasks. Psychological Research, 83(8), 1674-1684.

Fournier, L.R., **Coder, E., Kogan, C., *Nisha Raghunath, N., *Taddese, E., & Rosenbaum, D.A. (2019) Which task will we choose first? Precrastination and cognitive load in task ordering. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 81(2), 489-503.

*Behmer Jr., L.P., & Fournier, L.R. (2016). Mirror neuron activation as a function of explicit learning: Changes in mu-event related power after learning novel responses to ideomotor compatible, partially compatible, and non-compatible stimuli.  European Journal of Neuroscience, 44, 2774-2785.

Reisberg, D., Simons, D.J., & Fournier, L.R.  (2016).  Are we there yet?  Introduction to the forum on when and whether psychological research is ready for use in the justice system.  Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 5, 233-235.

Fournier, L.R., *Wiediger, M.D., & *Taddese, E.F. (2015). Action plans can interact to hinder or facilitate reach performance. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 77, 2755-2767. DOI: 10.3758/s13414-015-0959-5.

Fournier, L.R., *Behmer Jr., L.P., & *Stubblefield, A.M. (2014). Interference due to shared features between action plans is influenced by working memory span. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21, 1524-1529. DOI:10.3758/s13423-014-0627-0.

Pfister, R., Janczyk, M., Gressmann, M., Fournier, L.R., & Kunde, W. (2014). Good vibrations? Vibrotactile self- stimulation reveals anticipation of body-related action effects in motor control. Experimental Brain Research, 232, 847-854. DOI: 10.1007/s00221-013-3796-6.

*Behmer, L.P. Jr., Fournier, L.R. (2014). Working memory modulates neural efficiency over motor components during a novel action planning task: An EEG study. Behavioural Brain Research, 260, 1-7. DOI:10.1016/j.bbr.2013.11.031.

Fournier, L.R., *Gallimore, J.M., **Feiszli, K. & Logan, G.D. (2014). On the importance of being first: Serial order effects in the interaction between action plans and ongoing actions. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21, 163-169. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-013-0486-0.


Lisa Fournier