Thomas Armon Brigham
Professor and Scientist, Emeritus
Executive Secretary, Washington State Emeritus Society
Ph.D. University of Kansas, 1970
Contact Information
Office: Johnson Tower 353
Phone: (509) 335-4634
Website: Psychology 106: Daily Living
Research Interests
I am interested in self-management theory and procedures. My research is focused on using these procedures to reduce the personal and societal costs of common self-control problems such as over consumption of alcohol, high-risk sexual behavior over eating, anger difficulties.
Selected Publications
Lindemann, D., Brigham, T.A., Harbke, C. and Alexander, T. (2005) Toward Errorless Condom Use: A Comparison of Two Courses to Improve Condom Use Skills. AIDS and Behavior 18, 35-42.
Brigham, T.A., Donahoe, P., Gilbert, B., Thomas, N., Zemke, S., Koonce, D., and Horn, P. (2002) Psychology and AIDS education: Reducing high risk sexual behavior. Behavior and Social Issues, 12, 10-18.
Lindemann, D. and Brigham, T. A. (2002). A Guttman scale to assess condom use skills among college students. AIDS and Behavior, 15, 23-28.
Godat, L., and Brigham, T.A.(1999).The effects of self-management training program on employees of a mid-sized organization. Journal of Organizational Behavior,19, 65-83.
Peeler, C., Far, J., Miller, J. and Brigham, T.A.(2000). An analysis of the effects of a program to reduce heavy drinking among college students. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 39-54.
Brigham, T.A. (1989). Self-management for Adolescents. New York: Guilford Press.
Brigham, T.A. (2005). Psychology Applied to Daily Living: Dealing with friends, school, alcohol, and sex 2nd edition. Boston: Pearson Publishers.