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Washington State University
College of Arts and Sciences Department of Psychology

Thomas Armon Brigham

Professor and Scientist, Emeritus
Executive Secretary, Washington State Emeritus Society

Ph.D. University of Kansas, 1970

Contact Information

Office: Johnson Tower 353
Phone: (509) 335-4634
Website: Psychology 106: Daily Living

Research Interests

I am interested in self-management theory and procedures. My research is focused on using these procedures to reduce the personal and societal costs of common self-control problems such as over consumption of alcohol, high-risk sexual behavior over eating, anger difficulties.

Selected Publications

Lindemann, D., Brigham, T.A., Harbke, C. and Alexander, T. (2005) Toward Errorless Condom Use: A Comparison of Two Courses to Improve Condom Use Skills. AIDS and Behavior 18, 35-42.

Brigham, T.A., Donahoe, P., Gilbert, B., Thomas, N., Zemke, S., Koonce, D., and Horn, P. (2002) Psychology and AIDS education: Reducing high risk sexual behavior.  Behavior and Social Issues, 12, 10-18.

Lindemann, D. and Brigham, T. A. (2002).  A Guttman scale to assess condom use skills among college students.  AIDS and Behavior, 15, 23-28.

Godat, L., and Brigham, T.A.(1999).The effects of self-management training program on employees of a mid-sized organization.  Journal of Organizational Behavior,19, 65-83.

Peeler, C., Far, J., Miller, J. and Brigham, T.A.(2000). An analysis of the effects of a program to reduce heavy drinking among college students.  Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 39-54.

Brigham, T.A. (1989). Self-management for Adolescents. New York: Guilford Press.

Brigham, T.A. (2005). Psychology Applied to Daily Living: Dealing with friends, school, alcohol, and sex 2nd edition.  Boston: Pearson Publishers.

Thomas Brigham