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Washington State University
College of Arts and Sciences Department of Psychology

Blythe Duell

Scholarly Professor

Ph.D. Washington State University, 2008

Contact Information

Office: Johnson Tower 315
Phone: (509) 335-5547

Classes Taught

  • Psychology 201: Degrees and Careers in Psychology
  • Psychology 230: Human Sexuality
  • Psychology 320: Health Psychology
  • Psychology 324: Psychology of Gender
  • Psychology 550: Social Psychology

Research Interests

  • Effective teaching and learning strategies
  • Social dilemmas
  • Environmental behavior
  • Human Sexuality

Selected Publications:

Madewell, A. N., Anderson, J., Duell, B., & Kytola, K. (2017, Oct.). Panel discussion on reducing math anxiety: Cognitive and behavioral tricks of the trade. Presented at the Oklahoma Network for the Teaching of Psychology, Lawton, OK.

Day, K. & Duell, B. (2017, April). The effect of stereotype threat on Native American students. Poster to be presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.

Posey, D. Hughes, J. S., Morshead, L. L., Woods, K. R., & Duell, B (April, 2016). Using active learning strategies in statistics and research methods. Symposium presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas, TX.

Howard, N. R. & Duell, B. (April, 2016). The anxiety of cell phones and the benefits of nature. Poster presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas, TX.

Duell, B. (2014, February). Jigsaw classroom in a college course. Talk presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Teaching Pre-conference, Austin, TX.

Callicoat, R. & Duell, B. (2014, April). Warm hands, warm heart. Poster presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.

Joireman, J., Truelove, H., & Duell, B. (2010). Effect of outdoor temperature, heat primes, and anchoring on belief in global warming. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30, 358-367.

Cuillier, D., Duell, B., & Joireman, J. (2010). The mortality muzzle: Effect of death thoughts on attitudes toward national security and a watchdog press. Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism, 11, 185-202.

Cuillier, D., Duell, B., & Joireman, J. (2009). The thought of death, national security values, and polarization of attitudes toward freedom of information. Open Government, 5(1), peer-reviewed electronic journal available at

Joireman, J., & Duell, B. (2007). Self-transcendent values moderate the impact of mortality salience on support for charities. Personality and Individual Differences, 43, 779-789.

Joireman, J., Kamdar, D., Daniels, D., & Duell, B. (2006). Good citizens to the end? It depends: Empathy and concern with future consequences moderate the impact of a short-term time horizon on OCBs. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91, 1307-1320.

Joireman, J. & Duell, B.  (2005). Mother Teresa vs. Ebenezer Scrooge: Mortality salience leads proselfs to endorse self-transcendent values (unless proselfs are reassured). Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31, 307-320.

 Konty, M., Duell, B. & Joireman, J. (2004). Scared selfish: The culture of fear’s values in the age of terrorism. American Sociologist, 35, 93-109.