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Washington State University
College of Arts and Sciences Department of Psychology
FacultyContactResearch Interests
David-Rossi-ThumbDavid Rossi
Associate Professor
Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience
(509) 335-7671
VBR 355, Pullman
Research Interests:
• Neural mechanisms of drug and alcohol abuse. In particular we use rodent models to study what predisposes (genetic or environment) individuals to abuse drugs and alcohol, how chronic abuse of drugs and alcohol affects the brain to promote and maintain further abuse, and how drugs and alcohol affect the developing brain.
celestina_barbosa-ThumbCelestina Barbosa-Leiker
Executive Vice Chancellor
Washington State University Health Sciences Spokane
(509) 324-7747
SAC 503M, Spokane
Research Interests:
• Gender differences in opioid use
• The transition from pregnancy to parenthood in women with substance use disorders
• Perceptions of risks and benefits of cannabis use during pregnancy.
Devon Hansen
Associate Research Professor
CCRS 702, Spokane
Dr. Hansen will be considering graduate student applications for Fall 2024 admission to the Experimental Psychology PhD Program.
Research Interests:
• My research examines the impact of sleep loss and/or sleep deprivation on cognitive performance and physiological functioning in healthy normal sleepers as well as those with sleep disorders in highly controlled laboratory- and home-based settings. Other areas interest include clinical/pharmaceutical trials and sleep health disparities.
VanDongen_Hans-ThumbHans Van Dongen
Director, Sleep and Performance Research Center
Professor, Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine
(509) 358-7755
CCRS 702C, Spokane
Research Interests:
• Dr. Van Dongen's research portfolio is broad, including two particular focus areas in which he is recognized as an international leader. The first involves inter-individual differences in cognitive impairment resulting from sleep deprivation, which he showed to constitute a human phenotype. The second is mathematical and statistical modeling of performance impairment due to fatigue, and the application thereof in fatigue risk management systems. Beus
Associate Professor
Management, Information Systems, and Entrepreneurship
(509) 335-1657
Research Interests:
• Cultural Values
• Culture
• Employee Wellbeing
• Workplace Fairness
John_Roll-ThumbJohn Roll
Professor and Vice President for Research, Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine
Associate Vice President for Health Sciences Research WSU
(509) 358-7836
SAC 503F, Spokane
kimberly_honn-ThumbKimberly Honn
Assistant Research Professor
CCRS 702D, Spokane
Currently considering graduate students for the Experimental Psychology PhD Program.
Research Interests:
• Sleep deprivation effects on cognition
• Sleep and performance in shiftworkers
• Fatigue risk management and shift schedules in transportation industries
• Health and performance during sleep restriction and recovery
Matthew_Layton-ThumbMatthew Layton
Clinical Associate Professor
Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine
(509) 358-7502
HSB 320F, Spokane
Research Interests:
• Active research projects include the study of neuroactive steroid hormones known to modulate glutamate and GABA receptors during acute smoking cessation, as well as during psychostimulant withdrawal from methamphetamine, in comparison to healthy control subjects.
naomi_chaytor-ThumdNaomi Chaytor
Professor and Chair
Department of Medical Education and Clinical Services
(509) 368-6775
Research Interests:
• My research is broadly focused on the neuropsychology of type 1 diabetes. Currently funded projects include 1) ecological momentary assessment of cognition, emotion and stress, coupled with continuous glucose monitoring in adults with type 1 diabetes, and 2) a clinical trial of automated insulin delivery in older adults with type 1 diabetes with and without mild cognitive impairment. Other interests include the validation of mobile neuropsychological assessment and ecological validity of neuropsychological assessment in patients with chronic disease.
mclaughlin-ryan-thumbRyan J. McLaughlin
Assistant Professor
Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience
(509) 335-6448
VBR 235, Pullman
Research Interests:
• A central aim of my research is to study the role of the endocannabinoid system in the neurophysiological and behavioral response to stressful and aversive stimuli, and subsequently, to determine the extent to which this system is involved in the etiology and treatment of stress-related illnesses. Additionally our laboratory has developed a novel, translationally-relevant model of cannabis vapor self-administration in rats, which we are currently using to interrogate the long-term effects of developmental cannabis exposure on the brain, behavior, and cognitive functioning.
Thomas Tripp
Management Information Systems & Entrepreneurship
(360) 546-9754
CL 308E, Vancouver
Research Interests:
• Organizational Justice
• Workplace Conflict (including revenge and forgiveness)
• Negotiations
andrew_perkins-ThumbAndrew Perkins
Associate Professor of Marketing and International Business
Director of Center for Behavioral Business Research
(509) 335-0940
Todd 390, Pullman
Research Interests:
• Consumer self-identity
• Implicit processes and behavior
• Embodied cognition
• Consumer behavior in virtual environments
john_hinson-ThumbJohn Hinson
Professor Emeritus, Retired
Research Interests:
• Affective and non-affective factors in decision making
• Sleep deprivation effects on cognition
jay_wright-ThumbJohn W. Wright
Regents Professor Emeritus, Retired
(509) 335-2329
(509) 592-6479
Johnson Tower 124, Pullman
Research Interests:
• Alzheimer's Disease
• Neurochemistry of Memory Consolidation
• Parkinson's Disease
• Stroke related motor dysfunctions
raymond_quock-ThumbRaymond M. Quock
Professor Emeritus, Retired
(509) 335-5529
Johnson Tower 317, Pullman
Research Interests:
• Pharmacology of Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO2) in Suppression of Chronic Pain and Opiate Withdrawal
rebecca_craft-ThumbRebecca M. Craft
Professor Emerita
Retired: no longer mentoring students
Research Interests:
• Psychopharmacology
• Drug Abuse and Dependence
• Sex Differences in Drug Effects
• Hormonal Modulation of Pain, Analgesia and Mood
frances_mcsweeney-ThumbFrances K. McSweeney
Regents Professor, Retired
(509) 335-5581
Johnson Tower 319, Pullman
Research Interests:
• Habituation
• Operant and Classical Conditioning
• The Matching Law
• Behavioral Contrast
• Within-Session Changes in Responding
Susan E. Collins
(206) 832-7885
103 E. Spokane Falls Blvd, Office 414C, Spokane
Research Interests:
• Substance use assessment and treatment development and evaluation
• Community-based participatory research
• Methods in clinical psychology
• Harm reduction interventions for people who use substances
thomas_brigham-ThumbTom Brigham
Professor Emeritus, Retired
Research Interests:
• I am interested in self-management theory and procedures. My research is focused on using these procedures to reduce the personal and societal costs of common self-control problems such as over consumption of alcohol, high-risk sexual behavior over eating, anger difficulties.
Sterling McPherson
Associate Professor
Assistant Dean for Research
Director of Biostatistics and Clinical Trial Design
(509) 324-7459
ROP 313, Spokane
Research Interests:
• Development of evidence-based drug/alcohol use disorder treatments, including the use of experimental technologies;
• Innovative analytical methods to answer novel research questions in psychopharmacology, drug/alcohol use, and nephrology; and
• Drug/alcohol use disorders as a co-morbidity in high risk populations (e.g., kidney disease patients, severely mentally ill adults, and methadone maintained patients). Satterfield
Assistant Professor
Department of Translational Medicine and Physiology
Sleep and Performance Research Center
Research Interests:
• Dr. Satterfield studies the complex phenotype-genotype associations between sleep and cognition. She uses functional genetic polymorphisms as a tool to understand the underlying neurobiological mechanisms associated with inter-individual differences in cognitive impairment during sleep loss. Recently, Dr. Satterfield has taken interest in investigating how circadian disruption increases the risk of poor health outcomes, including metabolic health and cancer.
Courtney Kurinec
Research Assistant Professor
CCRS 702C,
Research Interests:
• Sleep deprivation
• Memory
• Decision making
• Metacognition and learning