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Washington State University
College of Arts and Sciences Department of Psychology

Paul Whitney

Associate Vice President, International Programs

Ph.D. University of Kansas, 1984

Contact Information

Office: Bryan Hall 301
Phone: (509) 335-2541

Research Interests

  • Memory, Affect, and Decision Making
  • Sleep Deprivation Effects on Cognition

I am engaged in collaborative research in cognition and cognitive neuroscience that focuses on the role of working memory and affective processing in executive function and decision making. Our investigations have included studies of how risky decision making is affected by situational factors, particularly sleep deprivation, that can temporarily alter the integration of hit emotional and cold cognitive information.

Selected Publications

Jackson, M.L., Gunzelmann, G., Whitney, P., Hinson, J.M., Belenky, G., Rabat, A., & Van Dongen, H.P.A. (2012). Deconstructing and reconstructing cognitive performance in sleep deprivation. Sleep Medicine Reviews.

Tucker, A.M., Whitney, P., Belenky, G., Hinson, J.M., & Van Dongen, H.P.A. (2010) Effects of sleep deprivation on dissociated components of executive functioning. Sleep, 33, 47-57.

Whitney, P., & Hinson J.M. (2010). Measurement of cognition in studies of sleep deprivation. In G.A. Kerkhof & H.P.A.Van Dongen (Eds.), Progress in Brain Research, 185, 37-48.

Whitney, P., Rinehart, C.A., & Hinson, J.M. (2008). Framing effects under cognitive load: The role of working memory in risky decisions. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15, 1179-1184.


Paul Whitney